Positive news gives people joy and hope.

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People like to read Good News!
By Jerry Brownstein
The Ibiza Optimista is based on the idea that people like to read good news. This seems like common sense, and the Guardian newspaper in the UK set out to see if it was true. Over a year ago they launched a project to see how their readers would respond to 150 stories which they wrote about good things happening in the world. They carefully analyzed the reactions to these articles and came to the conclusion that good news is greatly appreciated. The results showed that when you write about positive events people take notice; they read to the end; they share it more often with their friends; and sometimes they even write to thank you.

Their conclusion was that on the other side of ‘normal’ news - that concentrates on conflict and disaster - “there is a wide world of answers and improvements, of win-win and mutual support, of selflessness and curiosity, of movements and innovations.” People respond positively to this kind of news because they are tired of the constant negativity. As a result the Guardian is joining other newspapers in Europe and the US that are integrating more positive news into their publications. Editor-in-chief Katharine Viner promises that, “We will develop ideas that help to improve the world, not just critique it. People long to feel hopeful again, and young people yearn to feel the hope that previous generations once had.”

Of course here on Ibiza we are a few steps ahead with the Ibiza Optimista which has been publishing only good news for over six years. This was the inspiration of David Moss back in 2012, and we continue to strive each month to bring you articles that cover all areas of Positive News including ecology, technology, health, wellness, science, innovation, and stories that show humanity at its finest - generous, caring, thoughtful and compassionate.


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